
9 weeks ago I had sudden anxiety that led to depression when I had a doubt about my 9 year relationship. This got progressively worse to the point I was having dark thoughts, panick attacks and intrusive thoughts. Prior to this in a happy relationship and no significant worries. I started Sertraline 8 weeks ago on 50mg, my anxiety improved, although I had horrible times where I felt really disconnected as if I was in a dream. The doctor increased my dose to 100mg last week as my mood had not lifted. I had a better week at week 6 but feel like the increase dose has set me back with increased anxiety, chest pain ect. I had a day prior to the increase where I felt a dark fog had lifted and I could feel all my feelings for my partner. Since then I have just felt very tearful and disconnected from my partner, I don’t really want to go out and prefer to spend time in my house on my own. My thoughts ruminate all day. I don’t know what I am asking but just advice I guess!! Has anyone experience anything similar? I feel like my positive feelings and love of life has gone but I have been on this medication for 8 weeks now.