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Opiate Support Group

Related terms: Opiates


Our support group for Opiate has 63 questions and 1,282 members. Updated 5 Feb 2021.

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Can you drink alcohol on Vivitrol or will you get sick?

How long does Narcan (naloxone) block opiates?

What are the symptoms of a fentanyl overdose?

Fentanyl test strips: where to get & how to use?

What is pethidine used for?

Opioid vs Opiate - What's the difference between them?

What happens if you take opiates while on Vivitrol?

Is methadone an opiate blocker?

What is a methadone clinic / are they free?

Is Suboxone an opiate / narcotic?

Warning about Suboxone, Subutex, and Stadol?

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Educating Students about the Dangers of Opioids

How long does Fentanyl stay in your system?

Why is fentanyl so dangerous?

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