Dear all
My mother is a 77 years old sufferer of PHN who has been trying obediently all the range of drugs (Gabapentin-Neurontin... nerve blocking injections, antidepressant, morphine…) that the doctors prescribed to her for more than 7 years now. The pain has been reduced only slightly and the small improvements have not made up for the side effects.
Lidocaine- Patches had helped her but after some 3 years of using them it seems that they are losing their effectiveness and the itching pain is even stronger than ever before. We are looking for any other topically applied product.
I’ve just seen in the internet, with hope, a new product, Gallixa (Gallium maltolate cream ), but have not seen any independent review and only one successful case reported to treat PHN. I live in Europe and think this cream has not been approved for medical use by the FDA (although for PHN approved drugs this has not meat much).
Is there any one among you who has tried or know about this product? I would appreciate any advice or recommendation.
Best regards